Noni - Why is it so Special ?

Noni - Why is it so Special ?

Noni contains more than 200 isolated nutraceuticals which are all  a real gift to mankind. The most important among them are.

1. Proxeronine : It produces Xeronine which is highly required by certain types of body proteins in our body to enhance regeneration of cells and maintain hormonal balance.

2. Scopoletin : This has anti-inflammatory, anti-histamine, anti bacterial, and anti-fungal properties. This helps lower blood pressure and binds to Serotonin and helps regulate sleep, hunger and temperature.

3. Anthraquinone : It fights against bacteria such as staphylococcus, aureus, E. coli and salmonella.

4. Damnacanthal : It resists the growth of precancerous cells.

5. Terpene : It promotes the rejuvenation of cells and helps to expel toxins from our body.

6. Phytonutrient and Selenium : They provide powerful anti-oxidant protection against free radicals.

7. abundant in soluble and insoluble fibre : Soluble fibre helps to purify blood, decrease cholesterol and balance the blood sugar and insoluble fibre promotes colon health.

8. Amino Acids  : Noni contains more than 20 known amino acids  which include, the nine essential amino acids which are the basic building block of protein. Our body cannot produce essential amino acids and hence we depend on the diet for their  requirement. It is also rich in fatty acids which helps to maintain the skin, nerve cells, heart tissue and blood vessels.

They help to maintain the cell membranes, thereby promoting better  nutrient - toxin exchange.

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