How Noni Works ? To understand how Noni works in our body giving us so many health benefits, we should first understand a little about how our body works. On the physical level, our body works by chemical reactions, all the time converting one substance to another. Even our thinking, feeling, healing and spiritual issues all manifest in the body through chemical reactions. In our present life – pollution, stress, heavy metals, malnutrition, aging and illness interfere with the body’s chemical reaction. Noni helps chemical reactions in our body to work better. When our chemistry works well our body works well too. Let us now see how Noni works in our body Noni works at the cellular level. It helps our body’s chemical reactions to work better since Noni has a high energy level. There are many processes of chemical reactions happening in our body. The two important ones are 1. Synthesis of Protein: Synthesis includes all the things that our body makes, for example: proteins, connective t...
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